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HUST participates in the 2023 Annual International Forum on Higher Education
DATEDecember 25, 2023

On December 10th, the 2023 Annual International Forum on Higher Education was held at Xiamen University on the theme “The digital age and sustainable development in higher education”. Present at the ceremony were Wu Yan, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Education; Zhang Yan, member of the Standing Committee and minister of the Publicity Department of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee; Zhang Rong, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Vice Chair of the Xiamen University Committee; and Shahbaz Khan, Director of the UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for East Asia and UNESCO Representative to the People's Republic of China.


Professor Li Yuanyuan, Vice President of the China Association of Higher Education, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Former Chair of the University Committee of HUST, delivered a speech at the main forum titled “Promoting High-Quality International Exchanges and Cooperation; Working Together to Address Common Challenges Facing Humankind”.



Li Yuanyuan pointed out that striving for solutions to global problems and making global contributions are not only an important mission of universities in the new era, but also a robust driver for their reform and development, talent training, research collaborations, and cultural exchanges and mutual learning. Li stressed that HUST published its Global Strategy 2023 to respond to the needs of new era, dedicated to promoting interdisciplinary and multilateral collaboration to address global challenges through high-level scientific research. The university also fosters glocalization of international education to cultivate top-notch talents who can take up national responsibilities, engage in global governance, and lead the progress of human civilization.

The Annual International Forum on Higher Education, a key event held by the China Association of Higher Education, commemorates its 22nd anniversary this year. Co-hosted by the China Association of Higher Education and Xiamen University, this year's forum has attracted over 800 delegates, including university presidents and experts as well as representatives from international organizations, foreign embassies and consulates in China, educational institutions, from nearly 30 countries and regions.

Written by: Zhou Enlin

Edited by: Zhang Shiyu, Chang Wen, Peng Yumeng