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Prof. Li Lin from School of Physics wins PhotoniX Prize
DATEDecember 4, 2023

On November 25, the International Conference on Quantum Photonics (QPhotoniX 2023) was held in Zhejiang Province. At the conference, Professor Li Lin from the Center for Gravitational Experiments of the School of Physics was honored with the Frontier Exploration Award of PhotoniX Prize, for his series of accomplishments in quantum physics with Rydberg atoms.

The second from left is Prof. Li Lin

Li has been dedicated to the research of quantum optics and quantum information with Rydberg atoms since 2010. In collaboration with colleagues, he achieved the first observation of multi-body quantum Rabi oscillations with Rydberg atoms - a quantum effect predicted over half a century ago. They established deterministic quantum entanglement between Rydberg atoms and photons, elevated the coherence time of Rydberg states by an order of magnitude. After joining the Center for Gravitational Experiments of HUST in 2018, Li and his research group invested years in constructing a new Rydberg atom quantum laboratory. Here they prepared single photons with high-purity and high-indistinguishability using Rydberg atoms, and constructed a photonic quantum logic gate with the world’s highest fidelity. They also achieved a Rydberg atom entanglement filter, extracting almost perfect quantum entanglement from input states with extremely low fidelity.

A conceptual diagram of a photonic quantum entanglement filter with Rydberg atoms


The conference aims at further demonstrating and exchanging achievements in the integrated development of cutting-edge interdisciplinary fields, advancing the transformation and industrialization of the quantum information technology. The award received by Li was established at QPhotoniX 2023 for the first time, which intends to recognize and encourage young scientists under thirty-five for their significant contributions in the broadly defined field of photonics and its intersections (where “X” represents the intersection). The award also aims to inspire young scientists around the globe to continue exploring the outstanding accomplishments in photonics and catalyze the sustained development of the field.

Written by: Chen Huitang

Edited by: Zhu Yixuan, Chang Wen, Peng Yumeng